Cat, an enigmatic and graceful creature, and also a companion that embodies warmth, brings comfort and companionship to our lives. Are you also fascinated by their fluffy appearance, charming eyes, and agile bodies? Based on a long haired kitten as its prototype, this Cute Cat Puzzle has soft curled hair, purple bright big eyes. The icon in the middle of the forehead and the blooming flower at the foot make it look like an innocent elf from a fairy tale world, carrying the mission of transmitting love and peace
Premium Wooden Gift Box
The size is about a book. It will be a beautiful gift for everyone, on any occasion
Unique and Whimsy Pieces
Each puzzle piece has its own unique shape. An exciting game is suitable for school children and adults
High-precision Laser Cut
Using laser-cutting technologies so pieces lock and fit tightly together
What You Get – 1 x unique shape wooden jigsaw puzzles for adults are crafted with premium quality , 1 x wooden gift box, 1 x Wooden support.